"London Calling"
Once Upon A City... Wherein I put forward ideas for London the Dreaming. A setting for Changeling, somewhat far removed from Concordia, the default/defacto setting in the corebook. The noble houses of the Sidhe remain, but the High King in far off Tara Nur is a world away. London is largely under the sway of the Duchess of Sorrows. She rules from the nightmare tower known as Castle Darkhearth, strangely protected from the banality of the square mile where it is located. There, in her mortal guise as Fay Morgaine, she runs a powerful hedge fund known as Mordred Investments. She is never without her loyal troll bodyguards, Mr Fe, Mr Fi, Mr Fo, and, of course, Mr Fum. They are a renegade family of extremely efficient and quite sadistic thugs. Even the London Bridge freehold wants little to do with them. Efray is nominally loyal to House Balor, but serves darker forces, long ago bent by the dark kin of the Thallain and bought into the Black Court as their champion against the Excalibu...